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[1] Poore, J & Nemecek, T (2018) Reducing food's environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science 360 (987-992).


[2] WRAP (2021) Food surplus and waste in the UK - key facts. Available here.


[3] Flysjö, A (2012) Greenhouse gas emissions in milk and dairy product chains. PhD Thesis, Aarhus University, Denmark.


[4] Berners-Lee, M (2020) How bad are bananas?: The carbon footprint of everything. Profile Books.


[5] Goulson, D (2019) The Garden Jungle: Gardening to save the planet. Jonathan Cape.


[6] Berners-Lee, M (2019) There Is No Planet B. Cambridge University Press.


[7] Based on data from the World Resource Institute's Climate Data Explorer. Available here.


[8] Ritchie, H (2020) Cars, trains, planes: where do CO2 emissions come from? Our World in Data. Citing data from the International Energy Agency, available here.


[9] Ritchie, H (2020) Which form of transport has the smallest carbon footprint? Our World in Data. Citing data from the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, available here.


[10] Transport Scotland (2019) Transport & Travel in Scotland 2019: Results from the Scottish Household Survey. Data available here.


[11] Woodcock, J et al (2009) Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: urban land transport. The Lancet 374 (1930-43).


[12] Mizdrak, A et al (2020) Fuelling walking and cycling: human powered locomotion is associated with non-negligible greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific Reports 10 (9196).


[13] Mental Health Foundation (2020) How connecting with nature benefits our mental health. Full report available here.


[14] Gilstad-Hayden, K et al (2015) Greater tree canopy cover is associated with lower rates of both violent and property crime in New Haven, CT. Landscape and Urban Planning 143 (248-253).


[15] The Woodland Trust (2021) State of the UK's Woods and Trees. Full report available here.


[16] Fife Council (2010) Fife Greenspace Audit. Full report available here.


[17] O'Mara, F (2012) The role of grasslands in food security and climate change. Annals of Botany 110 (1263-1270).


[18] Poeplau, C et al (2011) Temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon after land-use change in the temperate zone - carbon response function as a model approach. Global Change Biology 17 (2415-2427).


[19] Fuller, R (1987) The changing extent and conservation interest of lowland grasslands in England and Wales: a review of grassland surveys 1930-84. Biological Conservation 40 (281-300).


[20] Sanchez-Bayo, F & Wyckhuys, K (2019) Worldwide decline of entomofauna: a review of its drivers. Biological Conservation 232 (8-27).


[21] Thompson, K & Head, S (2020) Gardens as a resource for wildlife. Wildlife Gardening Forum. Full report available here.


[22] International Union for Conservation of Nature (2017) Peatlands and Climate Change. Briefing available here.

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