Plastic-free living
UK households throw away around 100 billion pieces of plastic every year*. Most of this comes from food and drink packaging.
Buy loose fruit and veg
Ardross Farm Shop and Greens stock local, seasonal, loose produce.
Sign up for a weekly veg bag from The East Neuk Market Garden or check out their website for local stockists.
Invest in some reusable produce bags.
Pillars of Hercules in Falkland will deliver veg boxes from their organic farm to locations throughout Fife.
Zero-waste and refill
The Eco Hub in St Andrews has a refill shop stocking dried goods, cleaning products and personal hygiene supplies.
Ardross Farm Shop has zero waste freezers from Field Fare where you can 'scoop your own' loose frozen goods in exactly the quantities you need.
Get your milk delivered
In Fife McQueen's Dairies will deliver milk (or oat milk) direct to your door in reusable glass bottles.
You can also check here to find you local milkman.